The following document was utilized to initiate conversation with senior citizens residing in the Washington Park Neighborhood to gain greater insight on their family life, resident life and daily routines.
Scene 01: Biographical
Name of interviewee:
Date of birth:
Where were you born?
In what other homes/places have you lived?
What is the earliest memory you have of your home?
Where did you go to school?
Were you involved in activities growing up (music, sports, writing, etc.)?
What did you do as an adult?
Family Life
Name of parents:
Occupation of parents:
Name of siblings:
Occupation of siblings:
Do you have any fond memories of your siblings while growing up?
Family heritage/ethnicity:
Family origin:
As a child, what did your family do for fun? Do you have any fond memories or stories of family gatherings?
Scene 02: Resident Life
How long have you lived in your current place of residence?
Do your family or friends visit? How often do your family or friends visit? Where in this facility or your place of residence do you usually spend time with them?
Can you describe your favorite space within this facility or your place of residence? What are you usually doing in that space? What are the feelings associated with this space (feelings of safety, comfort, etc.)?
What is most enjoyable about living in this facility or your place of residence? What do you like most about your living space?
Are you able to personalize your space? How do you make the space your own?
Where do you go if you want to socialize? Is there a designated space for social gatherings? Can you describe the moon within these spaces?
Where do you usually eat during the day? Do you eat within your private residence or do you eat with a group of friends?
Where do you go if you want to be alone or be in silence?
Do you have opportunities to enjoy the outdoors? If so, where? Can you describe that space? Does the space facilitate physical activity (gardening, walking, etc.)?
What are some of the challenges you experience within this facility or your place of residence on a daily basis?
Can you easily open doors?
Is it difficult to manage/use appliances?
Can you easily open cabinets/drawers?
Can you easily open windows?
Are there steps that are difficult to navigate?
Is it difficult to navigate the facility?
Do you feel there is an adequate amount of space within your home or is it cramped?
Do you have adequate access to daylighting and views?
Is there anything you would like to change about your living space?
If you could have anything to enhance or add to your living space, what would it be?
If you need to go to the grocery store, how easy or difficult is it to get there from your home? Is immobility ever an issue?
Do you feel safe within your place of residence? Is there ever a time when you have felt endangered? If so, can you describe the situation (where were you?
What were you doing? Why did you feel endangered?).
If you own or rent your place of residence, is the affordability of home maintenance/utilities (heating, cooling, electricity, etc.) a concern?
Scene 03: A Walk in my Shoes
What does a typical day look like for you? What are you doing from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed at night?
Does the schedule above change seasonally? If so, how?
What are the most common facilities/services you visit within a week (grocery store, health clinic, hair stylist, park, etc.)?
Do you have direct access to facilities that provide nutrition, fitness and health care?
Do you feel there is an adequate variety of services surrounding your home? If not, what services would you like to see provided (grocery store, religious institutions, restaurants, etc.)?
How many hours of your day do you think are spent inside?
What is most challenging about navigating your neighborhood?
Is wayfinding clear?
Can you easily read the street signs?
Do the sidewalks provide adequate surfaces for walking?
Is it difficult to cross the street?
Are you ever concerned about traffic?
How often are you concerned about your safety when walking in public?
Is safety a concern for you? If so, what would make you feel safer?
What modes of transportation do you typically utilize?
Public Transportation
If you want to travel from your home to Lake Michigan (McKinley Marina area), is there adequate transportation to accommodate you?
Can you describe one of your fondest memories within your neighborhood (a particular neighborhood event, meeting, celebration, etc.)?
What do you believe are the greatest strengths or assets of your neighborhood?
What challenges do you feel your neighborhood faces?
What are some of the issues you perceive within your neighborhood? Are there issues of accessibility, affordability or safety?
The following document was utilized to initiate conversation with care team members of the Washington Park Senior Center to gain greater insight on their daily routines, provided programs and activities, the senior center environment and the neighborhood environment.
Name of interviewee:
What is your position on the care team?
Daily Routine
What does a typical work day look like for you?
What care do you provide?
What do your daily tasks entail?
How often are you interacting with the seniors?
How do you interact with the seniors?
What programs/activities does this facility provide to seniors?
Are there specific goals related to increasing senior physical activity? If so, how do you facilitate or promote senior physical activity?
Outdoor/Indoor activities
Group games
Cognitive activities
What are the most popular activities for seniors?
Arts and Crafts
Listening to Music
Watching Television
In your opinion, how important is socialization and family/friend visiting to the seniors?
Built Environment
What elements are important in creating successful spaces for seniors?
How does your institution maintain/create/ensure a safe space for seniors?
What methods does your institution use to help prevent falls/accidents?
What designed elements are highly appreciated by seniors?
What designed elements cause the greatest challenges/frustrations for seniors?
In your opinion, what are some of the challenges seniors experience regularly within their place of residence?
Are doorknobs difficult to turn?
Are table surfaces too low or too high?
Does flooring material accommodate walkers/wheelchairs?
Is there enough traction on floor surface?
Neighborhood Environment
What modes of transportation are generally used by seniors?
What are some of the services most utilized be seniors?
What services are lacking within this neighborhood, if any?
Are there specific neighborhood safety issues? What are they?
In your opinion, what are the greatest concerns for seniors in a public space (ie: walking on the sidewalk, crossing the street, waiting for the bus)?
The following document was utilized to map a senior citizen's daily routine. An example of the documentation process is shown below.